State Medical Society Elects Officers

May 29, 2019 at 09:36 am by admin

The Arkansas Medical Society (AMS), a physician group advocating for health care improvements statewide, met recently at the Doubletree Hotel in Little Rock to elect new officers, attend educational programs, and discuss advocacy efforts from the 92nd General Assembly.

Stuttgart family physician Dennis Yelvington, MD, was named president of the group. Dr. Yelvington has been a member of the AMS for 34 years and has held numerous offices, including a seat on the Board of Trustees since 2007 representing the physicians and citizens of Southeast Arkansas.

During his oath of office, Dr. Yelvington pledged to help the Arkansas Medical Society to shine a bright light on the way forward for physicians. His emphasis on the importance of the work the organization does to protect Arkansas' patients was a theme that echoed throughout the meeting.

Other newly-elected leaders include President-Elect Chad Rodgers, MD (Little Rock); Vice President Seth Barnes, MD (Hot Springs); District Trustees Stacy Zimmerman, MD (Searcy); Willard Burks, MD (Wynne); Darrell Over, MD (Pine Bluff); Donya Watson, MD (El Dorado); Randy Walker, MD (DeQueen); Nannette Vowell, MD (Malvern); Appathurai Balamurugan, MD (Little Rock); Dirk Haselow, MD (Little Rock); James Hunt, MD (Little Rock); Naveen Patil, MD (Little Rock; Alan Schumacher, MD (Bentonville); Kathleen Conner, Student Trustee (UAMS - Little Rock).

In addition to the specific duties of each office, these physicians will work to continue the medical society's mission of improving Arkansas health care through legislation, education and the day-to-day support of patients and medical practices.

Significant legislative advances for Arkansas patients and physicians supported by AMS in the past include: establishing a statewide trauma system, passage of the Clean Indoor Air Act, funding tobacco prevention and cessation programs, funding cancer research, providing vision screening in schools, and protecting an Arkansan's right to choose their physician through "Any Willing Provider" legislation. The Arkansas Medical Society is a voluntary professional association, established in 1875, representing more than 4,000 physicians and medical students as well as the patients and communities they serve.

Sections: Grand Rounds