LITTLE ROCK - GastroArkansas, founded in Little Rock more than 40 years ago, has been selected to join GI Alliance, the nation's largest independent gastroenterology services organization. The partnership is the first of its kind in Arkansas and focused primarily on quality of care for patients.
GI Alliance is a physician-led GI services organization supporting the needs of more than 315 independent gastroenterologists operating in Texas, Louisiana, Illinois, Arizona, Indiana, and now Arkansas. GastroArkansas was the first multi-physician gastroenterology practice established in Arkansas and is the largest independent group in the state.
GastroArkansas will continue to provide high-quality care in an independent manner while serving as a leader in gastroenterology care and working with other practices in Arkansas to establish the same level of care. Together GastroArkansas and the GI Alliance plan to raise the standard of care patients receive in all areas of the state.