NARMC Recognized for Stroke Program

Feb 16, 2021 at 05:53 pm by admin

HARRISON - North Arkansas Regional Medical Center (NARMC) has been recognized by the UAMS IDHI Stroke Program (formally known as AR Saves). The Stroke Program connects patients who are suffering from a stroke in our rural communities directly to a board certified neurologist within minutes through telemedicine to obtain an evaluation when seconds mean brain cells living according to Lauren Elliott, ER/Trauma Nurse Manager at NARMC.

NARMC was one of five hospitals throughout the state recognized at this level. This award was given to sites who meet all of the performance requirements between their hospital and the IDHI Stroke Program. These sites also improved internal processes related to stroke care, were actively engaged in stroke outreach within their communities and maintained the Education requirements related to the care of stroke patients.

Sections: Grand Rounds